Engaging and Effective Tutoring that
develops knowledge and confidence
About Tutoring Barcelona
Elementary/ Primary Classes
Middle/ High School Classes
Tutoring Barcelona Makes Learning Easy and Engaging
Our tutors are carefully selected to ensure our high standards. The Tutoring Barcelona team is comprised of qualified teachers, subject experts and experienced tutors. They are all effective educators who are passionate about helping young people achieve their academic goals. Meet our team here.
TB offers tutoring in mathematics, English, chemistry, physics, biology, economics, business studies, coding and debating. Lessons are delivered in English to students between the ages of 7 and 19. We also offer exam prep classes for school exams, entrance exams abroad, GCSEs, A Levels, IB and SATs.
We offer after school and weekend classes based on the American and British Curriculums. Our tutors are highly experienced with the content of the curriculums and understand the progression of learning through each school year. Learn more about our programs for all ages here.
Give your children the confidence and knowledge they need to excel
Get in touch with our team
Accessing High Quality Tuition in English is Easy!

Carefully Selected Tutors
Highly skilled, passionate and vetted tutors including qualified teachers, subject experts and experienced tutors.

Convenient Location
Our learning space is located in heart of Barcelona and close to many of the international schools.
We're in a safe and quiet location, right in the center of Turo Parc.

Small Group Classes
We always work with a small groups of students to ensure personalized help can be given.

Support and Extension
We have small group classes for all learners, including those who need assistance with the curriculum and those learners who would like opportunities for extension.

Independent Study Room
Our teachers are ready to help with study and homework for a range of subjects. Book a time slot, bring your homework along and work in a relaxed and helpful environment.

Programs for Athletes
We work as a team with students to help balance the demands of academics with sporting performance.
We also offer a flexible full time school A Level program for 16 - 18 year olds.
What our Clients are Saying

Brett (parent)
Hannah is a truly gifted and intelligent teacher who has a genuine talent for teaching from the heart. She has been able to really connect with, and inspire my son. Just one of her many achievements has been to completely reverse his negative self-view concerning his mathematics. He now tells me that he enjoys maths and is good at it, something his results confirm.
When I think back to my own school days there was one, maybe two teachers that really inspired me and I will always remember. Hannah is one of those kinds of teachers.

Lisa (parent)
"My children have benefited from online tutoring and they have easily participated in lessons. The maths program was designed to cover the curriculum as well as tailoring to the individual and his/her performance. Use of multi-media helps to engage them. My children’s problem solving ability has improved quicker than their peers. This an an innovative way to access experienced, high quality tutors without the pressure of driving to the venue."

Susie (parent)
This testimonial about Hannah comes with great pleasure and relief. My Australian son, Tim, lives in Spain for football commitments. All his schooling studies for the past 18 months have been done online. For a 15 year old young man, it has been a struggle for him. THEN we found Hannah! Wow – what a delightful lady with so much passion and direction for her students. Tim’s words exactly: ‘yeah she has helped me a lot with my schooling and has a fun way to teach things!’ As a parent from the other side of the world, I couldn’t be more thankful. Hannah, you’re the best!

Alex (aged 12)
“ Learning online is amazing. You get to interact with technology at the comfort of your home. It is very convenient for my mum because she doesn’t have to drop me off. Since I started tutoring my grades have gone form a C to an A and I feel really confident now with math and English. ”
It’s Easy to Start Classes at Tutoring Barcelona

Enquire about our classes
Email us at hannah@tutoringbarcelona.com with your enquiry. Hannah will call you back to discuss the best classes for your child. Alternatively, get in touch via the contact page on our website.

Class Placement and Enrolment
We’ll be in touch to discuss your child's learning needs and place them in appropriate classes. We'll send you the enrolment forms and then you're ready to begin at the center!

Start tutoring!
Let the learning begin! Come to our space in the center of Barcelona at the class time and meet your new teacher!
Small Group Tutoring
55 minute weekly classes are an effective way to build knowledge and confidence. Our classes are engaging, effective and get results.
Homework Help
from 25€
Take the stress out of homework and study by enroling in our learning center. Subject specific teachers are ready to deliver personalized assistance.
Private Classes
Our tutors are available for private classes and classes with two students. Please discuss availability with our director, Hannah